Well, I am at LA again now. When I typed the title "back", I don't know whether it's appropriate or not, since I "back to China" and "back to LA", both "back". But it doesn't matter. I'm here again and when I saw my roommates and my bedroom, I felt that I have been back to home.
I miss my family in China. Yes, a lot now. One day ago I was being with my parents, but the plane was so fast that just after one day we are separated by the Pacific again. It's not easy to see them again in a short future. Visa is the biggest problem, and another problem is money.
About my winter vacation at China, it's fine. I went to Beijing to visit my godmother. She was so happy to see me there. But I was sorry to find that she got older a little much. She retired from her job and now spent her time in learning drawing, dancing and other. It's good for her to be kept in busy since in that way she won't feel too lonely. I wish my godmother keep a good health.
After staying at Beijing for couple days I went back to home. I am very sorry that I didn't go to the workshop at Hangzhou. I couldn't make it at that time. I took plane from Beijing to Fuzhou. My parents had been waiting at airport for more than two hours. It's the first time that my mother went to airport. She told me later that she couldn't find the airplane at airport. I asked her and my dad to come with me to Shanghai when I leave from China to LA, but they refused, saying that it's too cold to go there in winter. I know that they are economic and don't want me to spend much money.
When I saw my parents at the airport, I found that they became much older than before, especially my mother. I felt guilty for myself since I didn't care about them enough. I should go back home earlier and more often before to visit them. Although I noted later that my mother was old that day mainly because she was too tired after 3 hours ride and 2 hours waiting, I still felt that they are older than before. They did a lot of work at my hometown. They explained to me why they insisted to work so hard: you are still a student and your brother and sister and yourself need a lot of money in the coming future for marriage and housing. They are traditional Chinese parents: care about kids a lot and care about themselves too little. I told them that I am also working as a student and can afford my future and help my younger brother and sister as well. I asked them to work less and keep them more healthy. Health is the most wanted gift I want my parents to get and hold.
I didn't visit any other city after I went back home. I spent most of my time with my parents and also visited some relatives and friends. I know that it's harder to find a long vacation in the future to spend with them. I love my parents a lot. They also love me a lot. I missed an important mission in my vacation. But overall, my vacation is fine since I was so happy with my parents and they were happy too.
I am a little tired now. I just knew that tomorrow is a holiday. It's good that I can take some rest. But since this is the second week of winter quarter, I need to get over jetlag asap and catch up with my course and work. I have been away for one month. It's time to work hard now.
2005, a new year, a new life.