I will attend this. I don't think this is restricted to CS only. If you are interested, please come to drink tea with my colleagues and me :p
Btw: it seems the deadline of intern application has just passed. But, you may still try ...
The CSGSC (Computer Science Graduate Student Committee) and Google invites all CS graduate students to attend the following events:
Google Career Panel
Wednesday, January 23rd at 2:30pm
4760 Boelter Hall
Social and Tea Time with Google
Wednesday, January 23rd at 3:30pm
4760 Boelter Hall
There are many opportunities for graduate students at Google to make immediate impact and work on real problems. Google strives to provide an environment of on-going learning where there are no boundaries between research and development so we can continue to push the limits of technology. Our engineers are also encouraged to make contributions to the computer science community through a variety of professional development activities, such as attending conferences, publishing papers, open source, and more. Learn more about at these events.
Internships Opportunities
Google On-Campus Interviews for Internships
Date: Friday, January 25th
Deadline to apply is January 14th
Apply Here: www.google.com/jobs/students/intern
Full-time Opportunities: www.google.com/jobs/students/fulltime