Saturday, September 04, 2004


Since I will move at next weekend, I need some moving boxes. Today I checked and I found some info in the free stuff board. I was so happy that one lady answered my call and told me that I could get her moving boxes for free. I took it with my friends.

I think American people are nice, at least sometimes. I saw many free stuff info at cragslist. People can throw away their used boxes or other stuffs directly and easily. But sometime they don't. They post the info online and other people who need those stuffs can go and take it, for free. There're some really nice people. I am so grateful for the generosity of that lady. We gave her a Chinese gauze scarf as thank-you gift.

I got to know cragislist few weeks ago. I checked the housing info at there. It helped to find the apt I will move to soon. Thanks to the facility of internet and the nice people.

The link of cragslist:

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