Thursday, December 14, 2006



Cyber-Detectives Deep Six Cell Paper

By Xao Hin
ScienceNOW Daily News
13 December 2006

A microbiology paper by an all-Taiwan group that made a media splash in Taiwan when it was published in the 20 October Cell is being retracted after anonymous online sleuths charged that images in the paper had been manipulated.

On Tuesday, Ban-Yang Chang of National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, the corresponding author, confirmed in an e-mail that he had written Cell asking the journal to retract his team's paper. The study questioned prevailing views of how transcription of a gene's DNA begins in bacteria. The move came after an investigating committee convened on Friday by the university recommended the retraction. In an e-mail to Science, Yu-Chan Chao, dean of the College of Life Sciences at the university, called the episode an "unfortunate case" and added that "the university will take this as a serious lesson for ethics education at all the colleges in the future."

Chang maintains that the paper's conclusions are correct. "We want to stress again that the results reported in the Cell paper are real and reproducible,"he wrote. Cell so far has not published a retraction notice.

For a more detailed story on how the anonymous Internet postings challenged the Cell paper, see this Friday's issue of Science.


发信人: sanger (不是songer,是sanger!), 信区: Biology
标 题: 中兴CELL造假案的全程回顾
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Dec 14 09:53:36 2006), 转信

台湾土产第一篇CELL, 今天ScienceNow公布中兴大学已经撤回了
一个月以来, 在MITBBS和PTT上, 双方的嘴仗不可谓不激烈
MITbbs方面,以anoia为首, 质疑的是论文图中为什么会有莫名的一至噪音块及其明显的分界线(表示这是一个剪切复制块),相同位置一样大小的气泡为什么会在不同的胶带中出现.
PTT台湾中兴大学方面, 强调这是“压缩采样失真”所致, 并认为"可重现性"是判断真伪的唯一标准


11.16 yuuli在MITBBS上首次发问怀疑中兴CELL造假, 尤其是Figure2C. 据他说最先发现的是他同试验的俄国同行.其后该文被大量转载,引发激烈讨论
11.17 MITBBS上anoia, SMTH上stray发文确认该文造假, 台湾ptt论坛上则是支持中兴的声音为主流
11.17 motif质疑该组在JBC上的文章( Figure1B也有问题
11.18 schiwann发文确定该图有假, 同时质疑Figure6也存在作假嫌隙
11.18 tataat质疑该组在J Gen Virol上的文章(87,1357-67,2006)的数据也有问题
11.19 面对ptt, MITBBS上的反诘,anoia公布完整的质疑图档
11.21 CELL编辑部屏蔽该文大图,所有到本文的连接全部转去siencedirect
11.22 anoia公布保存所有可疑大图于
11.21 台湾大学guyspy用色阶调整确认质疑
11.21 anoia确认JBC中Figure1存在造假
11.21 ptt上lnalna刊出联系作者张邦彦的回信,文中侮辱字眼your guys频出,并责难大陆的道德教育.造假讨论被推向极致
11.22 CELL第一作者dennishsien发文表示自己正在服兵役中,无法详细澄清造假传闻,但是多所有数据图片"问心无愧"
11.22 中兴JBC第一作者的回复被刊出, 认为灰度块来自文件压缩所致
11.23 anoia质疑JBC作者关于"文件压缩"说, 双方有私下接触. anoia其后宣布台湾中兴大学提供的所谓原图是经过严重contrast拉过的,仍然无法解释Figure 1中灰度块的问题.
12.13 ScienceNow Daily News宣布中兴方面决定收回他们发于CELL的论文,并转述中兴大学校长的话说:这是一件不幸的事(unfortunate case), 今后在全校的道德教育中学校将以此作为一个严肃的教训(the university will take this as a
serious lesson for ethics education at all the colleges in the future.)
12.13 MITBBS和SMTH上对这个消息反映平淡,认为这是一场没有胜者的斗争("triumph without glory"),海峡两岸都受到了伤害. 另外大家对JBC调查结果的关注, 以及对anoia的感谢和祝贺也是大家回复的一个主轴
12.13 中兴方面在ptt上回复撤稿消息,并公布部分中兴与CELL编辑部的通信内容.他们坚持该文没有造假,是可以重复的(repeatable),撤稿是因为受质疑最多Figure1C"不幸"遗失的缘故,并再次质疑"大陆打压台湾"的动机



回信居然全是you guys,

但是, 这封"问候"的信才是关键----真正的导火索


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